Couples Drug and Alcohol Rehab

How does a couple suffering from substance abuse know if they need to seek treatment?

If you and your partner use together, whether it be drugs or alcohol, you may have fallen into such a habitual pattern of abuse, that you think you actually have your drug or alcohol usage under control. We have a handful of questions you may ask yourselves to help determine if a residential couples’ treatment program can help:

  • Do you or your partner often fail to take care of responsibilities because of time spent using drugs or alcohol?

  • Do you and your partner often argue when you are under the influence of a controlled substance? And/or has it led to violent behavior?

  • If you have children, are you putting your drug or alcohol use before them?

  • Do you and your partner need to use in order to initiate intimacy?

  • Do the activities you enjoy together as a couple usually involve the use of drugs or alcohol?

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of the questions above, then you and your partner would likely benefit from a couples’ treatment program. We have one last question to ask, perhaps the most important question, the “loaded” question: “Are you and your partner ready to make a positive change in your lives together?” If you answered yes again, call now to speak with a counselor 1-713- 907-5632.

Why Couples’ Rehab at Moffitt Wellness Retreat?

Our drug and alcohol rehab center is not your typical treatment facility. And this is by design. Our name, Moffitt Wellness Retreat, gives insight as to our focus and intention for you and your partner. We are here to offer detoxification from your addictive substance, and develop the treatment program most beneficial for you and your needs. But we are so much more, and want so much more for you. We understand the importance of healing the whole body, by focusing on how to live a healthy life-style of good nutrition and exercise. We want to help you heal and settle the restless mind through therapy, meditation, even massage. The bottom line: we want you to be WELL, and live WELL.

Our luxury facility is located on a glorious hillside overlooking the ocean in beautiful Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. The setting is serene, inviting, and relaxing. Our center is meant to be your retreat – the safe place to go to get away and disconnect from the toxic environment you are in. Our villa style accommodations allow for couples to stay together while going through the treatment process. While each individual receives customized treatment, the partners also attend couples’ therapy to work on their relationship that is now free of drugs and alcohol, and to learn how to support each other through recovery. In their free-time at Moffitt Wellness Retreat, couples take advantage of a plentitude of activities they can do together: swim in our on-site pool, yoga classes, lounge under an umbrella, or try a variety of our outdoor adventure activities such as, kayaking, surfing, horseback riding, shopping, even zip lining.

What happens after rehab?

Because each person in the partnership has to work on his and/or her individualized treatment plan, it is not uncommon that one will have successfully worked through the program faster than the other.  We recommend that they both remain at our luxury rehab facility together, so as to be fully dedicated to support and recovery together, and an integral part of the plan is to establish a strong “After Care” program. This includes marriage or couples’ counseling that they can continue once they return home, family therapy if appropriate, participating in the 12 Step Program, addiction therapy, and identifying a strong support network on which they can rely once they have left our facility.

For more information, call one of our qualified counselors to discuss how we can help you and your loved one at Moffitt Wellness Retreat. Call 1-713- 907-5632. Or, for a complimentary and confidential consultation, please follow this link.